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Policies, Rules & Regulations

  • Library Users
  • Use of Library Resources
  • Registration for Library Privileges
  • Use of the Library by Non-UP
  • Borrowing Privileges
  • Record of Withdrawal
  • Fees and Fines
  • Use of Special Collections and Archival Materials
  • Loss of Library Resources
  • Recall of Books
  • Loss of Identification Card
  • Falsification and Use of Someone Else’s Identification Card
  • Disorderly and Disruptive Behavior
  • Refusal or Failure to Settle Library Accounts
  • Mutilating or Stealing Library Properties

Library Users

Use of Libraries by Members. The following members of the UP System may use the library resources subject to the rules and regulations governing their use:

  • All bona fide students, faculty and employees, members of the Board of Regents and officials of the University
  • Retired faculty members specifically granted off-campus-reading privileges by the Board of Regents
  • Visiting scholars with university appointments
  • Cross registrants from other colleges and universities, and special students

Use of Libraries by Non-members. The following non-members of the University may use the library resources within library premises subject to the rules and regulations governing their use:

  • Alumni, former faculty members and students honorably discharged from the University
  • Graduate students from other schools
  • Government and private researchers

Use of Library Resources

A. General Reference Books. General reference books and materials (encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, etc.) shall be for room use only. General reference books may be issued for classroom use upon the request of a faculty member, but these shall be returned within the day.

Theses, Dissertations, and Periodicals. Theses, dissertations, and periodicals shall be for room use only. However, faculty and officials of the University may borrow a periodical, other than the latest issue for a period of not more than one (1) week.

Reserve Books. Reserve books (required reading materials for courses offered during the semester/ summer) shall be lent for room use only and recalled two hours after issue. It may also be borrowed for overnight use. It can only be checked out at 3 PM and beyond and be returned not later than 9:00 A.M. the next working day.

D. Circulation Books. Books for home use are usually loaned for one week.

E. Special Collections. Special collections (rare books, personal papers of the Filipiniana and Archives Sections, AV materials, microforms, diskettes, art collections, and certain types of Fine Arts books, etc.) shall be for room use only.

       The use of archival materials, such as: official records, personal papers, manuscripts, diaries, legal papers, memorabilia, etc. shall be subject to any restrictions that may have been imposed on particular records by the originating office of the University of the Philippines System or the donor as stipulated in the deed of donation. Members using special facilities, such as microforms, computers and the media resources, shall be assessed prescribed fees.

Registration for Library Privileges

       Bona fide members of the University who register for library privileges shall be required to obtain the following:

  • Student identification card valid for the current semester; or,
  • Faculty/Staff identification card or appointment papers;
  • Library clearance

Use of the Library by Non-UP

       For alumni, former faculty members and students honorably discharged from the University the following procedures will be observed:

    • Free use. Alumni, former faculty members and students honorably discharged from the University may be allowed to use the library for five (5) days free of charge within a semester. They are issued special permits by the duly authorized staff of the college/unit library they would like to use. Beyond five days, they will be asked to pay library fees.
    • Fees. Beyond five days the following fees are charged : Php20.00 per day; Php450.00 per year.
    • Upon payment of the fees, they are issued special permits by the duly authorized staff of the college/unit library they would like to use.
    • Letter of Introduction or ID. The above users must present identification cards or letters of introduction from a University personnel or a U.P. Alumni Association ID when applying for a permit to use the library.
  1. For graduate students and researchers the following procedures are observed:
    • Graduate students must present an endorsement letter from their librarian requesting privilege to use the UP Cebu Library, and their school/university ID.
    • Private researchers must present a letter of request to use the UP libraries from their offices, and their office IDs.
    • Government researchers must present a letter from the head of their agency requesting privilege to use the library, and their office ID. They may be allowed to use the library free of charge up to five (5) days per semester. Beyond five days they will be assessed library fees.
    • Fees. Graduate students and private researchers are assessed as follows: Php50.00 per day; Php450.00 per semester; Php350.00 per summer. Government researchers are assessed as follows: Php20.00 per day; Php450.00 per semester; Php300.00 per summer.
  • Library permit. In all cases, the authorized library staff should issue a special library permit.

Borrowing Privileges

Undergraduate students

    • 5 circulation books for 1 week
    • 1 reserve books for overnight
  • Graduate students
    • 10 circulation books for 1 week
    • 1 reserve books for overnight
  • Faculty
    • 10 circulation books for 1 month
    • Serials (non-current) for 1 week
    • Said materials are renewal only once
  • Research, Extension and Professional Staff (REPS)
    • 10 circulation books for 1 week
  • Administrative Staff
    • 10 circulation books for 1 week
  • Non-UP Members
    • Room-use only

Specific Guidelines

      If however a student/faculty/staff has an overdue loan(s) he may not be allowed to borrow another item until he returns the book(s) and pays the fine(s) even if his total charges are less than the maximum (5 or 10) allowed.

Record of Withdrawal

       A record of withdrawal shall be made of every material of any kind taken from the library. Any person who draws a book or periodical from the library shall be held accountable for it until its return.

      Since 2008, the University Library no longer issues borrower’s card. Your e-Library Card will be provided and conveniently accessible online. You may consult your Library transaction records by logging into the iLib using I.D. Number ( without -)as username and password. If you want to change your username and password, you must refer to any library staff for the changes.

Fees and Fines

Library Fees

Research Fee
UP students, faculty, REPS & administrative staff – Free
– Alumni & government researchers – P20/day
– Non-UP (Private) – P50/day

        Long Bondpaper – P2.00
        Short Bondpaper – P1.50


Failure to Return a Circulation Book. Any person who fails to return any book open to general circulation on its due date or after recall shall pay a fine of Php2.00 a day, exclusive of Sundays and holidays.

Failure to Return a Reserve Book. Any person who fails to return a reserve book shall pay a fine according to the following schedule: For the first hour or a fraction thereof after the hour appointed for return, one peso (Php1.00); for each hour after the first, five pesos (Php5.00); for each full day, fifty pesos (Php50.00). A second offense within a semester shall automatically suspend/curtail this privilege for the rest of the semester or summer.

Failure to Return a General Reference Book and Other Restricted Materials Borrowed for Photocopying Purposes. A person who fails to return a general reference book and other restricted materials borrowed for photocopying purposes shall pay a fine of Php50.00, on the second offense the person shall have his library privileges suspended for one week.

Use of Special Collections and Archival Materials

        Violations of the Use of Special Collections and Archival Materials. Violation of the rule on the use of special collections and archival materials shall mean suspension of library privileges not exceeding one month.

Loss of Library Resources

        Loss of a Circulation Book. Any person who loses or fails to return a book within seven (7) days after due date or recall shall either replace it with the same title, or pay its current replacement value, or replace it with another title to be selected by the librarian. In all cases, the borrower shall pay a fine equivalent to 50% of the cost of the book.

        Loss of Periodical. Any person who loses or fails to return a periodical after recall shall either replace it with the same title and issue number or pay its current replacement value, and pay a fine equivalent to 50% of the cost of the periodical.

Recall of Books

Any book on loan may be recalled if:

  • officials of the University have an urgent need of the book ;
  • a book is to be placed on “Reserve” for a course or is to be given shorter loan periods ;
  • it is overdue ; or
  • the libraries are conducting their mandated annual inventory.

Loss of Identification Card

        Any bona fide member of the University who loses his identification card shall report the loss immediately to the College Library. An application for a duplicate identification card shall be made with the Registrar’s Office and presented to the College Library for proper validation.

Falsification and Use of Someone Else’s Identification Card

  • Any person who falsifies the identification card shall, after due process, be suspended from the University for not more than one semester.
  • Any person who uses an identification card not his own shall have his library privileges suspended for not more than one semester.

Disorderly and Disruptive Behavior

        Any person engaged in disorderly conduct such as drunken behavior creating disorder, disruptive behavior, e.g. excessive noise, loud discussions etc.; or improper behavior, e.g. smoking, eating within the library premises shall be asked by the Librarian to leave the library premises and shall be subjected to suspension of library privileges for not more than two weeks.

Refusal or Failure to Settle Library Accounts

        Any person who after due notice shall refuse or fail without just cause to settle library accounts or obligations :

  • shall not be allowed to register
  • shall not be permitted to use the University libraries 
  • shall not be issued a University clearance

Mutilating or Stealing Library Properties

        Any person who shall deface, mutilate, appropriate for himself, or steal any library material or property shall replace it or pay its current replacement value and pay a fine of not less than three hundred pesos (Php300.00) but not more than fifty percent (50%) of the current cost of the book whichever is higher. This is without prejudice to the imposition, in appropriate cases, of an additional penalty of suspension or expulsion to be imposed after due process, by the Chancellor upon the recommendation of the University Librarian through the Dean.