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Subscribed Periodical Materials Received December 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.



Time, 16 December 2019 Fortune, December 2019.
Time, 11 December 2019. Current History, December 2019.
Time, 2-9 December 2019. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  Sept 2018.
Scientific American, December 2019. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, October 2019.
National Geographic, December 2019. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, November 2018.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, May 2018. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, March 2018.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, June 2018. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, January 2018.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, February 2018. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, December 2018.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, April 2018.

Subscribed Periodical Materials Received November 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.


Time, 25 November 2019. The Economist, 2-8 November 2019.
Time, 18 November 2019.. Reader’s Digest, November 2019.
The Economist, 30 November 2019. National Geographic, November 2019.
The Economist, 23-29 November 2019. Fortune, November 2019..
The Economist, 16-22 November 2019.
The Economist, 9-15 November 2019.

Subscribed Periodical Materials Received October 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.


Asian Journal of Communication, August 2019. Bloomberg, 5 August 2019
Bloomberg, 12 Aug 2019. Bloomberg, 19 August 2019.
Current History, September 2019. The Economist, 7-13 Sept 2019.
National Geographic, 08 2019. National Geographic, 09 2019
Scientific American, August 2019. The Economist, 21-27 September 2019.
Time, 21, 28 October 2019. The Economist, 26 October 2019.
The Economist, 19-25 October 2019. The Economist, 12-18 October 2019.
The Economist, 5-11 October 2019. Readers’ Digest, October 2019.
National Geographic, October 2019. Fortune, October 2019
Asian Journal of Communication, October 2019.

Subscribed Periodical Materials Received September 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.



The Economist, 14-20 Sept National Geographic, June 2019
The Economist, 7-13 Sept National Geographic, June 2019
The Economist, 31 Aug – 6 Sept Reader’s Digest, Sept 2019
The Economist, 24-30 Aug Scientific American, July 2019
The Economist, 17-23 Aug Time, 23 September 2019
The Economist, 10-16 Aug Time, 16 September 2019
Foreign Affairs, July-Aug Time, 2-9 September 2019
Fortune, September 2019 Time, 26 August 2019
The Economist, 28 September 2019

Subscribed Periodical Materials Received AUGUST 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.


Bloomberg, 1 July 2019 Harvard Business Review, May-June 2019
Current History, April 2019 Scientific American, June 2019
The Economist, 20-26 July 2019 Scientific American, May 2019
The Economist, 13-19 July 2019 Time, 5 August 2019
The Economist, 22-28 June 2019 Time, 29 July 2019
The Economist, 15-21 June 2019 Time, 22 July 2019
Forbes, July-August 2019 Foreign Affairs, May-June 2019

Subscribed Periodical Materials Received JULY 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.


Time, 1 July 2019 Reader’s Digest, May 2019
Time, 3, 10 June 2019 Reader’s Digest, April 2019
Time, 17 June 2019 Reader’s Digest, March 2019
Time, 13 May 2019 Bloomberg, 22 April 2019
Time, 20 May 2019 Bloomberg, 15 April 2019
Time, 27 May 2019 Bloomberg, 1 April 2019
Time, 29 April – 6 May 2019 Scientific American, April 2019
Time, 22 April 2019 Scientific American, March 2019
The Economist, 1-7 June 2019 Forbes, May-June 2019
The Economist, 8-14 June 2019 Foreign Affairs, March-April 2019
The Economist, 4-10 May 2019 Fortune, June 2019
The Economist, 11-17 May 2019 The Economist, 13-19 April 2019
The Economist, 18-24 May 2019 The Economist, 27 April 2019
The Economist, 25-31 May 2019 The Economist, 30 March – 5 April 2019
The Economist, 6-12 April 2019 Philippine Journal of Psychology, June 2019.
Asian Journal of Communication, June 2019. Bloomberg Business Week, 29 July 2019.
Boomberg Business Week, 22 July 2019. Bloomberg Business Week, 15 July 2019.
Current History, May 2019.

Subscribed Periodical Materials Received MARCH 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.



Bloomberg, 11 March 2019 Current History Jan 2019
Bloomberg, 18 March 2019 Current History Feb 2019
Bloomberg, 25 March 2019 Harvard Jan-Feb 2019
Economist, 9-15 March 2019 Fortune, 1 April 2019
Economist, 16-22 March 2019 Fortune 2019 May (1)
Economist, 23-29 march 2019 Time, 15 April 2019
Time, 1 April 2019 Time, 8 April 2019
Bloomberg, 4 March 2019 Forbes, Feb 2019
Bloomberg, 18 Feb 2019 Foreign Affairs, Jan-Feb 2019
Current History, Dec 2018 National Geographic, March 2019
The Economist, 2-8 March 2019 National Geographic, Feb 2019
The Economist, 23 Feb -1 March 2019 Reader’s Digest, Feb 2019
The Economist, 16-22 Feb 2019 Scientific American, Dec 2018
Asian Journal of Communication, April 2019 Current History, March 2019.

Donated Government Publications Received MARCH 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.


FSI Perspective. Issue No.1

FSI Perspective. Issue No.2
FSI Perspective. Issue No.3 FSI Perspective. Issue No.4
FSI Perspective. Issue No.5
PJLIR. Vol 35 PJLIR. Vol 34
PJLIR. Vol 33


The Philippine Rise





Periodical Materials Received February 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.

Bloomberg 11 Feb 2019 Fortune, 2 Feb 2019
Bloomberg 4 Feb 2019 Fortune, Jan 2019
Bloomberg, 28 Jan 2019 Time, 18-25 Feb 2019
Bloomberg 21 Jan 2019 Time, 4-11 Feb 2019
Bloomberg 14 Jan 2019 Time, 28 Jan 2019
Bloomberg, 7 Jan 2019 Time, 21 Jan 2019
The Economist, 9 Feb 2019 Time, 14 Jan 2019
The Economist, 2-8 Feb 2019 BusinessWeek Top1000
The Economist, Jan-Feb 2019 Forbes, Feb 2019
The Economist, 19-25 Jan 2019 Foreign Affairs, Nov-Dec 2018
The Economist, 12-18 Jan 2019 Harvard Business, Nov- Dec 2018
The Economist 5-11 Jan 2019 National Geographic, Jan 2019
The Economist Dec 2018-Jan 2019 National Tax Research Institute
Reader’s Digest, January 2019 Asian Journal of Communication, February 2019.


Subscribed Serial Publications Delivered January 2019

Just visit the Library or you may email us at for the full-text of a specific article (not the whole issue). Please refer to the table of contents on the links for your reference.


Time, 24 Dec 2018 scientific american, 11-2018
Time, 10 Dec 2018 scientific american, 10-2018
The economist, 15, Dec-2018 Reader’s digest
The economist, 11-2018 Natl geographic, 12-2018
The economist, 8, Dec-2018 Natl geographic, 11-2018
The economist, 1, Dec-2018 Natl geographic, 10-2018
Bloomberg, 17-Dec-2018 Annual review of psych 2018
Bloomberg, 11-2018 Current History
Bloomberg, 10-Dec-2018